The Pursuit of Happyness is a 2006 American biographical drama film directed by Gabriele Muccino and based on the life of Chris Gardner, who invested heavily in a device known as a "Bone Density scanner". However, they do not sell as they are marginally better than the current technology at a much higher price which the hospitals considered only as a luxuary.
This filim is one of the best emotional filims I had seen in my entite life.This film made me a hardcore fan of Will Smith. For his performance, Smith received an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor and a Golden Globe nomination.
The screenplay by Steven Conrad is based on the best-selling memoir written by Gardner with Quincy Troupe.His wife leaves him, loses his house, bank account, and credit cards and was forced to live out in the streets with his son So now he is desperate to find a steady job; he takes on a job as a stockbroker, but before he can receive pay, he needs to go through 6 months of training, and to sell his devices.
Gabriele Muccino
Steve Conrad
Release Date:
December 2006
Biography, Drama
As the name says it is the pursuit of hapiness by a poor salesman
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